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[크리스천 사립고교 ] Mount Saint Charles Academy 학비저렴한 명문고교






주소 :  800 Logee St. Woonsocket. RL 02895

웹사이트 :www.mountsaintcharles.org

설립년도 1924

종교계열 : Catholic

구분 : 남녀공학

총학생수 : 777명

학년 7-12 학년

SAT : 1697 점

학비 $11,500 ( 2013)



Mount Saint Charles Academy 는 Woonsocket , Rhode Island 에 위치한 가톨릭


남녀중고교 입니다 1924년에 Brothers of th Sacred Heart 에 의해 설립된 Mount saint Charles Academy 는


학업 성취와 전인격적 성장을 위해 믿음 안에서 배려 하며 지지하는 커뮤니티 입니다.


학생들이 학교 환경과 학교 경험을 통해 성장한다고 믿고 다양한 수업 활동 . 과외 활동 신앙 활동등을 제공 합니다.



* Blue Ribbon School


AP Courses : Language and Composition. Language and Literature. Calculus, Biology, Chemistry


Environmental Science. European History. US History. Psychology, US Government & Politics,


Spanish , Music Theory.


Honors Courses


English , Literature ,  Algebra. Geometry. Trig. Calc. Biology.Chemistry. Physics. US history. French.

Spanish. Band. Portfolio Preparation.


Arts : Electives include art l , ll, lll, and lV , Architecture l and ll, Chorus, Drama , Dance , Multimedia .


Facilities : Large Gym. Theater. Music Complex. Performing Arts Center. State- of - the- Art Science Classrooms/


Laboratoies.  Two Computer Labs. Library / Media Center , Ice Arena








Sports : Cross Country . Soccer. Tennis . Volleyball. Swimming . Ice hockey, Baseball. Golf. Track. Baseball


Cheerleading. Indoor Track . Lacrosse. Strength & Conditioning


Arts : Fine Arts Day. Drama


Clubs : Student Council . Newspaper. National Honor Society . RI Model Legislature . Math .Chess. Science. Cheerleading


Spirit Week. Winter Carnival . Dances.




This school would be a good choice for a student who is academically motivated as well as being out - going and


Social any student interested in the arts will enjoy the many programs offered at this school.



방문 상담 하시면 더 자세한 정보 받아 보실수 있으세요 !!!!!!!



전화 상담 : 02 -733-3266


카톡 상담 : miki1004ii


네이트 상담 : joohanuhak@nate.com


이메일 상담 : uhak@joohan.com / info@joohan.com